
Causes of nocturnal asthma
Causes of nocturnal asthma

While there is no cure for asthma, there are a number of treatments that can help control the condition. Asthma in adults is more common in women than men. That's the equivalent of 1 in every 12 adults and 1 in every 11 children. In the UK, around 5.4 million people are currently receiving treatment for asthma. Read more about the causes of asthma Who is affected? The reason why some people develop asthma is not fully understood, although it is known that you are more likely to develop it if you have a family history of the condition.Īsthma can develop at any age, including in young children and elderly people. Speak to your GP if you think your symptoms are worse at work and get better on holiday. When you come into contact with something that irritates your lungs – known as a trigger – your airways become narrow, the muscles around them tighten, and there is an increase in the production of sticky mucus (phlegm).Īsthma may also be triggered by substances (allergens or chemicals) inhaled while at work. If you have asthma, the bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal. Read more about the symptoms of asthma and diagnosing asthma What causes asthma?Īsthma is caused by inflammation of the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs. Severe attacks may require hospital treatment and can be life threatening, although this is unusual. This is known as an 'asthma attack', although doctors sometimes use the term 'exacerbation'. Occasionally, asthma symptoms can get gradually or suddenly worse. Asthma can be controlled well in most people most of the time, although some people may have more persistent problems. The severity of these symptoms varies from person to person. Asthma is a common long-term condition that can cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and breathlessness.

Causes of nocturnal asthma